
US media: China has mastered the F-22A and F-35 parts of technology _xupeizha81223

US media: China has mastered the technical data of the F-22A and F-35 parwrongful death attorneys floridats: United States air force, F-22, articles in recent years, China has received a sufficient number of United States for four generations of information United States global strategic network published November 17 was named the Chinese are trying to trying to manufacture articles of domestic F-22. Article revealed that China's recently announced that its fourth-generation fighter will be the maiden flight of messages within one year, and analysts believe that this is because in the past 5 years, the Chinese seem to get about on F-22 and F-35 enough intelligence and information. But for the Chinese really have the ability to design and production of fourth-generation fighter, the article is also skeptical.����Because the Chinese side facing the engine from the weak capacity to be its biggest bottleneck in the design and manufacturing. Article says Chinese air force recently announced that it has already had a similar F-22, fourth-generation fighter planes, and will be carried out within one year of its first test flight. Chinese believe that the aircraft will enter the service within the next ten years. United States intelligence believes that China is trying to step closer to development and manufacturing of the four-generation fighter capability. If Chinese hackers have in the past 5 years was obtained in sufficient quantity and quality of the data, then China is likely to have been made to design and manufacture of United States F-22 and F-35 technologies.����Was also expressed that China also gets a fair amount of information on F-35. United States Intel analysts believe, China aviation industry designs and manufacturers do not yet have fully produced F-22/F-35 aircraft technical ability. Even though China has two researched and manufactured by a third-generation jet fighter for the first time (J-10 and JF-17) experience, but Chinese design and manufacturing F-22 high-performance four-generation fighters ability was questionable.����Because the biggest bottleneck is from the Jet engine technology. 20 years, China has been trying to catch up with the world's aircraft engine manufacturing technologies, because the design of a high-performance engine, is to improve aircraft performance and important part of manufacturing technology. To date, China has been unable to its most advanced fighter aircraft is equipped with horses with high performance engine, is dependent on imported; at the same time they have lack of design and manufacturing experience and skills. For example, China is Russia's RD93 and AL-31F engines (initially designed for the MiG-29, and) the main user, China has purchased a total of more than 1000 models engine.����RD93 engine at present each costing approximately $ 2.5 million. China has developed a similar RD93 engine. Number of turbofan-13 (WS-13). ������Ϊ��һ�ɹ����ڶ���˹�İ����²ŵ��Գɹ��ģ����Ƕ���˹���۸��й���ؼ����������켼������ʹ�й���������˺ܶ�������»��������������ļ��������� ��Ȼ����˹�����Ǻ����������й�������Ϊ���Dz�ϣ���ڵͳɱ��������г��������µľ�����֡� ���⣬�й����ѧϰ�ͷ��������򲻵��ļ�������˶���˹������һ�����ѵ���������������ѡ�� �й������ʾWS-13�Ѿ��ӽ����״̬�� But some information and suspicions to the outside world. Recently, China has ordered 100 RD93 engine. Apparently because of the reasons behind its Chinese manufacturing has encountered considerable difficulties in these high-performance military jet engines, and also there is a problem in access to these technologies. Therefore, article judgment: is not a question they are eventually able to acquire such skills, but even if the Chinese people can master this technique, they still need Russia RD93 engine.����According to official statistics, China has been ordered more RD93, is due to insufficient domestic WS-13. Chinese engineers also believes that they have successfully mastered production of Russia AL-31F engine technology needed for domestic models. China, a China-made models for turbofan engine named-10A (WS-10A), and entered active duty in 2 years ago, mainly equipped with home-made fighter-10 fighter. But it seems that is actually used on the Chinese air force WS-10A the reliability or performance is not satisfactory, and from Russia ordered 100 sets of AL-31F, is used to create more fighter-10 new fighters. At the same time, Russia for the competition AL-31 and F-22 series developed by the latest improved engine has encountered a serious problem. China suddenly question their teachers have done better? fighter-10 is completely designed and manufactured for the first time in China the third-generation jet fighter. To create one with foreign similar aircraft (such as the Soviet MiG-29 and Su-27, and the United States of F-16 typical of this third-generation fighter) fighter bombers modernization of compete. In the type fighter in China has more than 20 years of investment and development. Although this attempt to provide a valuable experience, but, it considered that such attempts are not entirely successful. The first prototype first flight until 1998. Development process is full of twists and turns, until 2000 to complete the modifications to the underlying design flaws. In 2002, 9 prototypes manufacturing and flight test. During the subsequent flight test and tried loading one after another in the process, step by step to find and fix hundreds of problems. This is a very good learning for the Chinese engineers. But after the equipped, Jian-10 but no and from Russia to compete to buy Su-27/30. Fighter-10 looks like United States of F-16, weight and more or less (19 tons).����As with the F-16 is equipped with an engine, but the Su-27 has two engine brings more power and a longer delay time air combat. JF-17 weighing 13 tons, a Russian-made RD-93 engine, was intended to be similar to United States f-16 's Help Desk Tracking Softwarelow-cost "high-low" mix of fighters. This machine is developed by cooperation between China and Pakistan. JF-17 is widely considered the performanceIn earlier versions of the F-16, but for now the F-16 model, with its ability to 80%. JF-17 's design is based on Russia MiG aircraft design Bureau was canceled projects--MiG-33. Equipped with JF-17 model version in Pakistan is the majority of electronic equipment on the West, the main supplier was Italy company Marconi. JF-17 can carry 3.6 tonnes of heavy weapons, radar homing and infrared guided air-to-surface missiles. Its top speed of nearly 2000 km flight radius is 1300 km, maximum altitude of 10,008-kilometer (55,000 ft). China's air force has not yet been determined whether to purchase FC-1/JF-17. This is obviously because China fighter and fighter-10-11 of its own design (domestic licensing model of Su-27) is sufficient to meet their needs. But the fighter-10, and the same, the performance is not as good as expected by the China. application business card credit>

