
American and Japanese surprise: revealing four mysteries of China military force _ military collection

From late December 2010 photos of four generations of aircraft in Chinaapplication business card credit in terms of national military network since the beginning of the exposure, foreign troops fan most shocking: "China to catch up with the fast pace of the world's leading military level is staggering. Cheng Fei, from J7S to JF-17, from J-10 to J-20, it took a very short period of time. 5 generations of Russians in China has been a lack of interest, suggesting that they have confidence in own generation 5 machines.����Really amazing! "author query about three generations of the United States and Russia (the old military standard) first flight time, with the United States and Russia each of four generations (old military standard) first time" time difference ": United States F15,1972 year in July the first test flight of three generations, three generations of F-16 first test flight in December 1976, the United States for four generations the F22 maiden flight time: in 1990, the first flight from three generations of the maiden flight of four generations of computer, United States with 14-18. Three generations of Russian mig29,1977, October 6, zhukefusiji flight test center, three generations of the SU-27 prototype in 1980 the first flight. T50 four generation first time in Russia: 2010.����From three generations of the maiden flight of four generations of the maiden flight of Russia 30-33. Maiden flight of three generations of Chinese J10,1998 years, four generations of J20,2011 in China began running tests at the end, press the picture to see the prototypes have been manufactured 2~3 are expewrongful death attorneys floridacted in early 2011 first flight.����From three generations of the maiden flight of four generations of the maiden flight of China was only 12 years. Particularly notable are:-1998 test flight-October 2003 prior to start mass production of this period, China will always only produce second generation J7/J8. Lag behind the Russian 21, behind the United States for 26 years. And the time for 2010, 2011, has basically been flat in Russia (J20 than T50 first time difference in just one year). Which is the last 6-10 years time, China aviation industry changes, tracking Russia. Jumped into the world's top three. Confirmed: the four speed world first generation of research and development in China, speed of China's aviation industry across the world. this gaveHelp Desk Tracking Software my curiosity: 1980 J10 tender since the creation of, and what factors contributed to China's aviation industry after the leap from the second generation to generation, rapidly contributes to China's aviation industry, from three to four generations of leap? this is the discussion on this article.����Following is a portion of the conclusions, and Reader shared----- first, four generations of high-speed development of China, index of China's growing a strong industrial base, refraction in the 30 years since the 1980 's, and basic industry, equipment manufacturing in China, electronic science change various aspects of materials science and breakthroughs, local beyond Russia and catch up with the United States. From the J20 photos and detailed analysis, we found everywhere to the level of basic industry, equipment manufacturing, material science, e-science in all its aspects, such as signs of change has been made and conclusions. J20 of the bubble canopy as a whole, now apart from the United States only by China, the material is polymer polycarbonate material. Frame dark green, completely different from the yellow skin of three generations of machines, is the use of composite materials and camouflage coatings, including temporary time ahead of the United States against passive detection "absorbing the invisible coating." Engine vents (note No. 2001, white-tailed vents prototype, instead of black-tailed vents, No. 2001 prototype. Note: No. 2001, prototype has two, using a different engine), using a Carbonyl of ultra high temperature-resistant ceramic and metal composite as a whole. J20 fuselage than T50 port without any exposed antenna and optical radar, guarantees the stealth properties, which is the optical radar in the fuselage ring at least subtle layout and distribution of data collection characteristics of advanced imaging technologies, is also a qualitative change of electronic technology feature. J20 extremely long body, within the main load-bearing beam using high strength, low weight and highly difficult machining, the need for n-ten-thousand-ton pressure molding machine can be machined titanium alloy main beam.����J20 pneumatic blasting huge amounts in the design and calculation, you rely on large supercomputers ... ... All the signs, you can determine, J20 appeared, not just to fly a milestone for the company or 611 or 132 mill, but entire industries in China, equipment manufacturing, material science, a major breakthrough in the field of e-science, and various other related. J20 is a flag that is China's industrial system has caught more than Russia, and some individual areas exceeds United States one of the important symbols. Must be soberly: If you do not have the whole system for 30 years the development of the thick product sends thinly, J20 tasks or just can't finish sand covered floor, will inevitably repeat the fighter 9 horse or shipped ten tough destiny. Drawings are white-tailed F20 vents into flying four generations (2001) comparative black vents: J20 is the tip of the iceberg, refraction, integration level and strength of the entire system. J20 high speed, is a microcosm of the entire system the thick product sends thinly and results. Future wars, industrial capacity in this regard, we have caught up and partially beyond.����Also continued to surpass. Second, the introduction of large-scale use of China, for the introduction of foreign advanced technology and tracking be integrated and independent innovation, and is a catalyst for four generations of fighters high speed research and development in China-China has shortcut to surpass the advanced science and technology in the world. 30 years since the 1980 's, was flying machine and technology exports, as well as the external effectiveness of technical cooperation for 30 years. Through open cooperation has laid a great foundation for success, notably: (I) from the J7 exit to international cooperation in research and development of the Super 7, J10 international cooperation in research and development process, to OWL Dragon inquiry, flying in the foreign arms trade and has a lot to learn from Western military standard and advanced technologies and concepts, digestion and absorption, for its own use.����For example, where J10 avionics, drew on Israel be made set of technologies and modes of successful, and further development. (B) it is critical that is: in the middle and late 1980 's, aircraft flew into the introduction of foreign development "research and development of computer designing software systems", andCompletion of foreign-trained, award certificates, use to get rid of the artificial drawing design times, access to the computer age, a magnitude faster calculations, design and speed. (c) in research and development in fierce Dragon J10 and OWL FC1, closely tracking the four generations of foreign development trends and advanced techniques, basic research and theoretical studies, converted by the advanced research and quick to use. Song Wencong total Division and Yang Wei total Division in track United States stealth machine technology of Foundation Shang, and closed has stealth machine spot with, into fly of four a undergraduate and graduate using computer technology crack has DSI into gas road design secret, and into fly this then using to OWL Dragon 04 frame and cool Dragon J10B model be actual validation and success, and from J20 machine of each parts features see, can found into fly four generation heavy fighter set States fighter excellent technology Yu integrates, J20=F22 of Diamond Head +F22 of overall type gold plating film hatch covers +F35 of into gas road improved type +J10 of duck wing of remodel + beauty F18 edge section wing of remodel +J10 of triangle wing of cut tip remodel type +J8 type of long fuselage + Russia T50 of full dynamic vertical tail + Russia MiG 1. 44 pelvic fins ... ... It can be said that if there are no open horizons, and the environment, there would be no "sea accepts hundred River," "set States warplanes into advanced technologies", there would be no today's "standing on the shoulders of others beyond the others". This kind of "pragmatism,-ISM, digestion and absorption, for its own use" is the catch-up phase of an inevitable choice.����Fortunately, scientists from flying, then you do not have to like the absurdities of the cultural revolution era, for the import, purchase of technology, is labelled as "be subservient to foreigners" hat, "better to buy buy rather than rent is fixed pig pancreas" hat. J20 is a benchmark, which proved that: "aggressively introducing foreign technologies on the basis of digestion and absorption of independent innovation, which equally, lack of health service delivery insufficiency, which is China's catch-up phase, a short cut of the catch-up phase". British super beautiful, we have the shortest way.���� third, the national financial resources to continually enhance and rising levels of investment in science and technology, is the power source of four generations of high-speed research and development in China. According to India for five machines which is old for four generations the budget is US $ 2 billion. Equivalent to more than 13 billion RMB. Korea and Indonesia intends to develop four generations (it is 3. 5 or more) budget roughly similar to this one. China research and development expenses for four generations, you should also probably billions around. Should be around $ 4 billion or 5 billion at the end. Think China is at the same time promoting anti-aircraft carrier of ballistic missile systems (note that the system rather than just missiles), aircraft carrier plan, Chang e, Temple plans, the Beidou system, large transport aircraft, large aircraft, unmanned intelligent fighter, stealth strategic bomber project project, 095/096-new nuclear submarines, amphibious landing ships ship-group, the stealth frigate large destroyers and frigates group, China missile defense systems, laser beam weapons, electromagnetic gun project, a combat robot projects ... .... China's military research and development investment, in the end is how many billions? we can see that. Hundreds of millions of research and development budget and investment, it's not just about 30 years ago didn't want (Note: in 1978, China's national output value of NT $ 360 billion RMB, only $ 360 per capita. Reserve just more than 1 billion dollars. Military spending in the early 1980 's can't afford to buy even destroyer). This is also the neighboring countries and areas did not dare, can hardly look at a person's back (for example, Viet Nam's GDP but about billions of dollars, less than a province of China). Huge scale as a support for the economy as a whole, I firmly believe that: a high-tech modern giants, inevitable and standing in the world of the East. J20 and behind the high-tech research projects in China, is the strong financial position and investment in science and technology.����This is one of the world's strong national forest Foundation and source of power, which is the United States now, and Japan egg hurts and the fate of Taiwan independence, terrified.����China Science and technology constantly improving, J20 refraction IV and talent continue to accumulate, four generations of high-speed development of China Science and technology workers in just 35 years old, refraction gold prospects of science and technology of China's rise. Four generations, Jian Yang Wei of China General Division (J10B, Chief Architect, J10S, Chief Architect, OWL Dragon Chief Engineer), 48 years old, was in 1978 at the age of 15 into xigongda (it was restored after the first year of college entrance examination). Design in flight 611, comprises some 200 people in the late 1970 's, now increased to 1700~1800 people. But the average age about 35 years old. Is the golden age of life's most precious and most up-and-coming. This is a promising team. This is a microcosm of the entire China technology sector. China has the potential of staff groups (strata), and no internal friction of struggle against the political environment is not within, China will have a strong China is one of the world national scientific and technological backbone for the forest. The world of tomorrow will be multipolar world. China will inevitably become one of the most important pole of the world. The rise of China is a must. These 4 great power, is the United States of horror Japan egg pain but also helpless. Who badmouth China their games, LUN, uproar civil strife advocates denounced the scientists and intellectuals of the extreme left of the cultural revolution, are cool to go. related reading: dreaming of the world never thought: overnight rise of the Chinese Empire in this cold winter nights, snow will fall without falling, black silky Chengdu on the runway.����Four-five Middle age has long placed everywhere in this world, finally found a home. Everybody knows that turtles will be the Empire.����During the year's muddled upset waiting, black wire is not a move. Decade of Earth turtles two vast, don't think, unforgettable.����Empire spring to wake to, black silk, sideburns cream. People live in hope, and burst out means that the last hope, if there is no longer burst out of the desire, that was really desperate. Despair is such, optimistically by 2020, the Earth turtles can come up with advanced Aero-Engine, come up with advanced marine engines, demonstrate advanced tank engine sth By 2020, we die of this heart, this does not take the person's will as to transfer of technology development lawDetermined, maybe some projects could advance, but the overall pattern will not change. But aero engine industry does not make people feel desperate, because they face pain that incompetent, incompetent incompetence! shame.����They will become pillars of the country in the future, one day, will also serve as the Empire's pride, because today they roll Montreal cry loudly. Crying like a flower. four generations of machines up-to-date photos of all empires, there is a history of tears along the cesspool. This incessant cruel wind cold rolled concave came to BAMA in the rain, in addition to deal with a host of problems every day, to recommend to people of history channel documentaries broadcast in the United States: our story, expect to find that long lost Empire spirit. This dilution carefully packed for the public is closer to the scandal of Empire United States history documentary films is easy to show tears along the spirit of the Empire. 100 years ago in New York, construction workers in the absence of any protective measures at the tall walk, work, eat and rest, the foot is the abyss, two-fifths workers finally disabled. After Pearl Harbor deaths of thousands of people in a period of time, up to tens of thousands of Americans died in military production. We only know that United States air power, but the United States to the end of World War II aerial cradle for decades, hundreds of thousands of people die on the plane.����When the time for us to admire the spirit of the backs of two bombs, United States almost impossible for workers in order to achieve the Apollo moon landing, since manned space against fatigue, can only climb the wall vent slipped into the obligations of workplace working overtime. Now Americans has long since been forgotten Empire of blood and forward the spirit of the United States workers has almost become a synonym for being lazy, but they have the capital pride or lazy, but we don't. We are angry, not because we do good, not because we are falling behind, not because we were humiliated, but because we don't work hard, but we do not have delayed for so long. Face is that we face, only their own lost. Thus the aviation industry has long been worth a curse.����Only and 611 are different, like maggots in the cesspool, not the status quo. 132 hard dead OWL Dragon, just to be able to have its own aircraft, can free from the people themselves. This is how humbly beg, as if thousands of repair underground roots of the Earth, fateful appearance products, just to make ends meet. Cheng Fei while holding ten fighter, but relying on aviation and the air force of nasal polyps, broken charity, such as the black wire dismembered body two-stage, holding a Golden Bowl of rice may starve to death. What is the universe? Confucius say, elevation-Kun, a gentleman to virtuous. If there is only interested in how far is it clean and parents, may wish to listen to the Confucius say, heaven, so to exert ourselves constantly. Begging for image 132 and 611 behind it, is precisely the ethics of Confucius and the grassroots voice of the spirit of the Empire. Fly, our stories, stories of the Empire. The beginning of the story is the same, and thousands of grassroots surge in cesspool, Empire, from which rise. This is the story of cruel realities and the rise of the Empire, not who practices rise of great powers and cheery colors limited vocabulary of Rigoletto and manipulation of the petty bourgeoisie solid intelligence that can be understood by the story. They sky is too close, manure storage is too far away. to fly successfully created a cesspool of environment, the more successful, more trouble. Just wanted to survive, implying it is mixed with you, not live without it.����The manure pit Leon, who caught a chance to kick to fly one leg, no opportunity will also create opportunities to kick one leg, until it flew into yielding, or fly into tough to change the rules of the game. Heisi-slip on the runway to fly, Empire left the cesspool. How far is the dream, how far we can go, all of the Empire are saying. And to do so. Should have done. This is the Empire and the Imperial force. But maggots to the cesspit, ur too much luxury, no dream is the first story, how far will we roll how far, you do not need. Empire gloomy start, without exception: like a dog alive, stray dog alive.����Live is a dream, the dream is alive. Therefore, Fei. Empire in the spring, is here. four generations of latest photos may be accidental, perhaps bleak story won't stand up to scrutiny, maybe it's just another legend, soar high repeat words unspoken criticism, but Heisi genuineness to set foot on the stage of the Empire.����This is a Triumph of the Will of the Empire and the Empire. Despite the cesspit has gone, tears like rain, mournful.����Will bloom year after year, green bristlegrass, wind drag. The so-called project is simply stuffing money and time, time and money with a certain degree of interchangeability. We all hope that things can be as simple as that spending money to make money, all your wishes come true. But the project is first and foremost has the engineering capabilities, growth obviously is a different story, much more trouble. Will projects seldom need to use the State, as we shiftless daily life does not require thought, too eggs. Ribbon is the will of the State, at the beginning of the 80 's plan. Heisi arise is not only inevitable, as well as accidental.����Inevitably we all believe in, accidentally was born so soon. -2007 and put into production, powers and planning can't wait four-generation fighters. Russia first to go live, launched in 2009 as scheduled T50, led to a double. Russia four generations, is a question of money, the rich organic. But the engine is Russia short Board, AL31 modernization will only cost $ 1.5 billion years come up with several luxury on four generation engines. Russia AF obviously does not stick to hesitate on the height of the PLAAF used to talk, first plane practise, patiently waiting for the engine matured, even if the engine has no, T50 monkey can make equipment. AF method must push countries caused a fait pour engine, four generations have no engine, this is who cannot afford to bear the responsibility.����T50 victory is AF Triumph of the Will. First AL31 modern versions and 117S experiment make do with flying, release of all abilities to be mature engine. Anyway, AF T50, the Senate does not give money or have to give, but also greatly. F22 shell then an engine, but the Senate claimed the F22, the engine is not subject to financial conditions, night out due to technical reasons.����Heisi on a slippery runway, inadvertently, turtles became the third countries of four generations of fighters, against powers, against their own powers. Empire. Black silk unique glory, is the symbol of the birth of the Empire, one of the deserved to fly running dog shit games, continued obediently when when the early birds are bombarded in all directions.����Let the world widely recognized the birth of the Empire will take some time, domestic aircraft carrier launched to awake people on Earth. Heisi is too small, there is no domestic carriers block header, not scary. Heisi is obviously not very advanced, but it must have been four generations, there is no generational gap are not afraid to open it. Generational gap is a ridge, only step from scratch. Pace egg, F22 has 17 years of eggs. With eggs, and pulled together without fear. Egg, it can be simple time and money, how much does it cost, how long maturation time, less money, less money over time. No egg is the most painful. for too long, PLAAF is not an egg. The 90 's, obey, best, best ships, and clear the bombs and so on, they're hard work, but the eight statues speaker eat a bit, falling Huazhi fibrillation. Then JH7, rotten teeth good also good appetite of Hainan Airlines also do not want to be, the Navy and XI were very painful stick, has also been sold to AF. Days, killing AF JH7 nor investments, XI is brazen, this sale.����Was maintained after ten, and intimidated the will of the State AF, first take, slowly changing. Country, then, can not move, aviation industry reform being, really. On air the real vote of no confidence from the shangfei set up and seeking business process reengineering and innovation. Shangfei is so poor clink, all the advantage of capital is only the will of the State. Advantage however means that fly must be enclosed in a shorter period of maturation time got the advanced passenger aircraft, the will of the State requires that the project can only be a success not failure, only capital followed heavily in debt. although the details are unknown, but shangfei of the roadmap is clear. Cake aimed C919 airliner market maximum of 150-seat level, directly compete with the Boeing 737 and Airbus A320.����Selecting this level, ensure the C919 cruel invincible in the competition may come in the future, so vast the market, how can get, even if suffered a major setback, wouldn't let the C919 barely survive could not take orders. Finished taking into account the worst, it is necessary to run the best. Latecomers will move the market should be based on the advanced technology, access to advanced foreign technology is difficult, facing technology blockades, trade barriers, and many other difficult issues, in which case the State will play a leading role. The C919 project is big enough, to any aircraft equipment manufacturer cannot ignore the C919 just based on the rapid development of domestic air transport industry also has a remarkable order, the market prospects are very good, good to the point where any aeronautical equipment manufacturer cannot be ignored. Shangfei demanding venture or technical cooperation and seeking win-win situation, follow the C919 feet and grow together. GE first to surrender, the capitalists cannot and RMB to get through, and on the money. Although GE was manufacturing powerhouse, but does not have an absolute advantage in the international aviation market, GE is determined to follow the Chinese market and grow together.����GE put forward the "reflexive into" concepts, ideas take full advantage of low-cost manufacturing in China, providing advanced technology as part of the Chinese market as the guidance, expanding GE international share markets, hoping that by virtue of the C919 program gain market dominance. Of course, GE and shangfei gamble, GE stake currency LEAP-X1C of research and development engine, shangfei depend on successful C919 successfully laid the foundation of GE engines. AVIC I commercial aircraft engine company while building Assembly and testing of the engine production line, shares of GE should not surprisingly, creating localized production of engines. If co-operation goes well, GE has the potential to transfer package development, production and technology, creating stable and solid engine bridgehead. shangfei at the same time another home-made engine projects, possible localization of the confluence with GE engines it intellectual property objectives, even in the absence of foreign aid or firm developing domestic engine, because this is the will of the State's requirements.����State will this great spirit, who does not is not, because the will of the State only in the current situation very unhappy when they show up, just as useless to fart. Are eggs, only too well and live without need. GE bet C919, value the C919 is contained in the will of the State, no matter who missed, rumble C919 project starts, instead of looking on, rather than gamble. And who's bet is a bet, and the will of the State with gambling, wanted to lose are not many opportunities to cut meat wager is worth. GE bet than GE, you hope for growth with advanced technology, joining China express. you want to project success, we must first to have a successful mechanism. Shangfei based on domestic support, global sourcing, "master manufacturer-supplier" mode. This pattern formation through long-term development, large commercial aircraft is best mode.����Industry have to specialize in, large aircraft manufacturing enormous professional referred to the various local professional firms than all of its own research and manufacture of low risk, high efficiency, low cost. Secondly, technical cooperation and the establishment of a joint venture company to eliminate the international external risk environment changes the C919 program, domestic enterprises beyond access to advanced technologies, digestion, absorption, and innovation, on the road to healthy development, C919 project to unfold this Flagstone domestic aviation manufacturing industry to catch up with advanced international level. Shangfei embodies the advantage in the mechanisms of innovation, system innovation. The C919 is dazzling pearl on manufacturing large aircraft research and development platform, and create the full competence of large civil aircraft development, production and manufacturing system, is the Lift behind the hero of of Pearl, is flying challenge that must be completed. success of shangfei is subject to the inspection, but the basic success of black silk, WS15 means success in the future. Engine is not enough, Kitty; experience lack of time, three generations of experience brought up;Four generations later, I have slowly changed.����It's like 99 stories of tanks, proudly announced has three tanks, a Ding sound is depressed. That by the year 2009, 99A rumbled through the Chang an Street, who also cannot be taken lightly, if modified models in service, it is necessary to turn to powers having trouble sleeping. And that's how both sides, from ruthless reality perspective, Heisi before the F22 is the slag slag is, we haven't left the runway, not slag is God. From a development perspective, the birth of black silk, who knows all the time and money later, like steel and cement is as simple as GDP equals performance equal to the ladder of. the ladder, who is unwilling to do.����Unambitious again just to survive to fly and 611, so a big fat black wire, they keep trying not to eat? not only to eat, but also to make a clean sweep of sth Wolf does not leave residue to others. United States to take F22 then F35, Russia and China to the opposite, for four generations, if situations for the better in the future, then take an ultra monkey version of four generations or match the F35. If good, black silk or T50 is paving stone, transitions, and focus their efforts on finding better than F22 and F35 semi-or simply conquer next generation fighters. in short, black wire and the T50 's mission is not bad to catch up with us, then there are a variety of paths as the circumstances may be, either as the Su-27 as a tree, pear tree Malus or ve got my own way as MiG-31.����Next-generation fighter is likely to be sub-orbital flight, aerospace technology convergence product of powers are hard at work. Shenma X37B, shenma B2 shenma Tomahawk, shenma ICBM, the clouds are the clouds. Very sorry to say, suborbital spacecraft only the United States, and Russia, and China's strength is developed, European powers in the past. F22 service means a six-generation fighters full swing, powers, cannot, in this sense, Mao Wu and Heisi wait debut six huge pressures are already coming. AF and aviation industries have stories, this is not the case, the cake so much, less you eat me.����Although air forces around the world in clean, but by the bureaucratic system after the modification of the characteristics of Earth turtles, suddenly can not read. Nature is clean and does not assume responsibility for what people what kind of weapons that we are not. Arms bad, inferior not inferior, but rather than people. Lay is a great achievement, broke, of course, is the responsibility of rot. AF is hurting the eight statues decades do not surf lifesavers removed, it does not make people aspire to, and maybe rotten skilled it's practice of dialectics, and old 60,000 years old are not white. Machine is not really good, well exposed the faults of inferior to shirk its responsibility.����Su-turn to the two looks really good, bully small cake, and Tai knock is not good to play dead, rotten dialectics can then also be used. Bureaucrats should control, more brave than law, reminiscent of the Qing Empire no war breaks never die not to cut away the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi ye mingchen, faithful serve die first and then, integrated, and later in contempt. Historians have cleared themselves of ye mingchen notoriety, but the masses of onlookers all do not buy it.���� bureaucrats in books, means unpopular topics, really easy to use no comments jinyuqiwai inside is the cotton waste not bad a bad machine dialectics? neither better nor worse, blame-pointing in big trouble, mature state machine previously killed off as if the priority, as long as the really good and really bad, bad bad fight. Tragedy of the aviation industry, doomed in the height of bureaucratic ass thoughts. The explanation is so ridiculous, just as absurd as the official ye mingchen. But things like this, so many of the humerus Robinson for their country, hard relationship between the Qing Empire, there is nothing? what is impossible? kept in cages ye mingchen Calcutta, there is plenty of time to hate bureaucracy of the achievements of his life, but then no one knows what he's trying to say. we are always in good faith believe that bureaucrats may not clearly understand the situation, therefore wrong judgment, but most likely it is we error estimation of the situation, the truth is, no doubt bureaucratic ass.����Even the dead an empire, but also no big deal. Fly admirable change AF down into stories, making cakes, then go to carve up. This story had happened at the China Aerospace, holding a sketch of a long bundle of goods sold worldwide, selling is the strength and confidence, to find a buyer is hard, come up with new rocket in just 18 months. This is the home of simple logic, further wing, step back and be smashed to pieces. junlingzhuang is the horse God thing? play is life, always walking on thin ice without being great seal the bottom cover, cover also the clouds. Is bound to the clouds. Empire spring at first glance are today, the top one night fame in the 60 years of the air force AF, make people aspire to for the first time, there is a good looking forward to.����One night, was born the air force, but one night more than 50 years, it would be too long. Heisi changed the image of the air force. Just a few years time, haven't even Digest you get results, the air force leads new round of the contest. This is like the air force, like an imperial air force, in particular, after the Empire of the air force has never been unwilling people, anything to get the first, both the cake is the shit, is the first went to Rob, Rob like a mad dog. flying is, of course, the story of Triumph of the Will, but who can better understand the will of the State, who will have the chance to cake.����First of all, be subject to the will of the State, with a loyal to serve as their own responsibility, secondly to integrate into the will of the State, follow the ideas and developments of national development and finally to politics, national interests is the highest interest. Flew against thieves, bandits bully vicious competition into a virtuous circle of cakes, GE and shangfei cooperation on that this business relationship fits-all, aviation industry term does not talk about politics, free out of the country development, are being putOften. Heisi proved that progress against thieves is not a Flash in the Pan, but changed the rules of the game, and is becoming a trend becomes unstoppable. This gives us more good looking forward to back Lash of China's aviation new interest. Shanghai stock account from account fee, low procedures fee private subscription (1 million up) expected years gains 30%+, welcomes contact Pakistan: China army tightening sets in India neck Shang of ropes China woman and Japan a large company senior leadership wonderful dialog! four generation machine again pass good news: China from Russia looted large numbers of aviation expert China two things on India is remote not and the of luxury Japan claimed that has grasp shot down China fighter 10! beauty expert says has no national dare on China war aerospace power beauty Russia: China analysis months too shocked has! foreign expert: China deliberately hidden key more items top secret military technology in the Russia alternate kill enrollment fierce! can collapse United States for decades years Middle East layout face us carrier, China military has composure bright has sword! rise of China a sound sigh, United States of was trembling! 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