[Reprint] astonished the world: the real power of Chinese missiles were again United States exposure _ Cirrus clouds comfort
Original address: astonished the world: the real power of Chinese missiles were again United States exposure author: military every day United States Congress to a new study reports revealed that the PLA missile capability is leaps grow; in case war across the Taiwan Strait, and United States to assist Taiwan Shi, US military bases and ships will face a significant threat.����It is estimated that US forces in six air bases in Asia, there are five within the range of, would be the people's Liberation Army a constant stream of missiles to destroy. The China Times reports, supra, of the United States-China economic and security review Commission will on Wednesday released a report, the Washington Times, 16th substantially quoted content. According to the report, Korea Wu from China less than 650 kilometers, and mountains, in the people's Liberation Army's short-range and medium-range missile range. 560 km range of ground-based cruise missiles of the people's Liberation Army, attacked Wu (from the Mainland of less tapplication business card credithan 400 km away) to spare.����US forces in Japan of KADENA, Misawa, Yokota Base distance is distant China, ranging from 840-1100 km, but still within the PLA missile threats. The only exception is the Guam because 290,000 km distance to China. However, the performance of the people's Liberation Army is promoted long-range bombers, "will soon have the ability to attack the Guam-Sixth United States Air Force Base". Guam is not only United States fighter bases, one after another in recent years has deployed new submarines, bombers, reconnaissance aircraft.���� PLA second artillery corps of missile equipment. Reported that, in addition to missiles, the people's Liberation Army is deploying more advanced fighter, his voyage and weapon upgrading, air defense capabilities significantly improve. The past 20 years, the people's Liberation Army undergoing massive restructuring, change to "with a modern aircraft, air defenses, are the large and increasing traditions of ballistic missiles and land-based cruise missiles". Since 2000, for example, short-range missiles, the people's Liberation Army a brigade of the transmitter, it increased from 36 to 252.����Compared with the past, the people's Liberation Army missile range even further, higherHelp Desk Tracking Software accuracy, warhead and more powerful. Reported that the PLA 1150 short-range missile, range from 290 km to 600 km/h; 115 medium-range missiles range 1600 km to 2,900 km; 500-DH-10 ground-based cruise missile, range up to 1500 km/h.����PLA manufacture specialized intermediate-range ballistic missile attack aircraft carrier testing stage DF-21C, once deployed, us whether rush to the rescue Taiwan or action in the South China Sea, surface ships are likely to be the people's Liberation Army attacks. Report notes that these furniture show the people's Liberation Army "against intervention (anti-access)" and "area denial (area-denial)" strategy, the aim is: If the outbreak of war in the Taiwan Strait, a third party cannot intervene. The China says that China's missile capabilities "threat to United States and out of East Asia as well as the freedom of navigation in East Asia", and therefore United States administrative departments attach great importance to report content. Dongfeng-21 missile missiles, is a second-level intermediate-range ballistic missiles, a range of over 2000 km. Ҳ���й��һ�ֲ��ù���ȼ�ϵġ���wrongful death attorneys florida����·�����ܵĵ����������������ı��е�DF-21C����ۣ�������ѹ���й��й����ƭ����wbr>�dz����⣺�����ڲ���ʿ�����������й�20ս��wbr>����ʱ�£��������쳤̾�����й��ѻ���㾡79���Сƽ����ֻ��8���������ع�������������ܱ��磺��ʵ�й�һֱ����������ӡ�ȵĺ�ĸ���ܷ���û��Ҿ죺�����ϳɳ��й��һ����ͼƬ�й�վ�20�ɺ��ع����Է���ĸ�����������Ŀ�ɿڴ�����20һҹ֮��������ĸ��Ϊ����wbr>���ң������ٴ���Ħ�����й��⽻����̬�ܼ��wbr>��Ů��Ǵ�Ů���(��ͼ)" HREF="http://www.junshi365.com/html/08/n-8208.html" TARGET="_blank">�����ٴ�ŮĤ�ķ�����Ů��Ǵ�Ů���(��wbr>����ijҽԺ������Ƶֱ���˹��ھ�ȫ��:�ɾ�ȡ��˽���ϸ�����ΰ����괲ս16��Ů�˶��������(��ͼ)20Сʱ�����ɹ�" HREF="http://www.junshi365.com/html/01/n-8201.html" TARGET="_blank">�����������������۶�20Сʱ�����ɹ����ڶԿ�ʾ��(��ͼ)" HREF="http://www.junshi365.com/html/00/n-8200.html" TARGET="_blank">ʷ�����Ըе���Ů�˹�����̳����ڶԿ�ʾʵ�Ľ������Ӿ�����ȫ�����Ļ(��ͼ)���˾��е�10���Ź��������Լ�¼:����Ů����X��wbr>�������������*��������Ů���ֿ�(��ͼ)
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